Emperor penguins

Today we were learning about one of the 17 different  types of penguins, an emperor Penguin. A emperor penguin is a flightless bird its has two main colours is black and white,  it has yellow highligts under its neck. It lives in Antarctica

Emperor penguin migrate because they need to get food for themselves and their family to eat. Women emperor penguins migrate when their baby chicks are hatch they go and get food and then come back.

Emperor penguins migrate by using their bellies but to some people they call it Tobaggan. An Emperor penguins migrate to any seas around Antarctica to find their food. They travel far from Antarctica they travel 8Okm!!!. WOW!! How cool is that and long

Emperor penguins face many challenges well migrating. They face snow storms, predators, Fights during their migration there are many others. emperor penguins predators are Orca whales, Leopard seals, and for there chick southern petrel and Skua.

During the age of emperor babys chicks female emperor penguins migrate to far away seas to go fishing and find plenty of food for themselves and their chick. When they migrate they face dangerous challenges like their biggest  predator  the Orca whale. By Daisy 🙂

2 thoughts on “Emperor penguins

  1. You have shared a lot of information about Emperor Penguins, Daisy. You need to check your work carefully. Read it again and put in full stops and capital letters. Also fix up the spelling – Antarctica, bellies. I look forward to reading many more stories, Daisy.

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